Lit. of Comics Week 8 / Stereotype and the ethics of representation

What is your opinion about the use of stereotype in comics, animation and gaming narrative? Is stereotyping ultimately a necessary strategy in character design and representation?  Do you think you have personally been affected by stereotypical representations?

What is your opinion about the use of stereotype in comics, animation and gaming narrative? Is stereotyping ultimately a necessary strategy in character design and representation?  Do you think you have personally been affected by stereotypical representations?

Personally, I have optimistic view of using stereotype but if it affects harmful to specific people, I strongly think it has to be changed.
There are many meaning about “Stereotype”, for example like a Specific view of general people, an Average image of something or Bias. People have a general image when they special object and it makes. Depending on how many people know and the way of how people accept, the form has clear shape and it can be changed. 
Generally, as creator, people like to use a stereotype for an audience and themselves. Stereotype makes narrative easy to understand at once and it simplifies a process of making because don’t have to direct the object on purpose. When you imagine “A dog”, definitely there is some image that comes to mind and it will similar to other people. 
However, the problem is even the image become known incorrect or the perspective be changed to bias, some of the people still use or not change their mind and it can be pressure to some people. For example, when a creator wants to represent a woman, generally drawing long hair, makeup face, beautiful body line, wearing a skirt. It has a possibility of becoming a standard of women’s image that all females have to be. Actually, this is a real problem being currently underway.
Like the video: Born Sexy Yesterday, if creator often uses repertoire, it can be a stereotype of a woman even it is not fact.

Definitely, there is good side of defining Stereotype and sometimes it is necessary but before making something or enjoy media, we have to get a social education a bias.


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