Lit. of Comics Week 11 / comics as contemporary literature
Week 11: Tale of One Bad Rat / Alice in Sunderland
At this week, I think comics of the list have a pretty heavy mood.
In the first work, a lonely homeless girl is the main character and the story is what happened to her and past memories. I feel it a little bit similar to “The Blanket”. Two both character had bad childhood memories and they suffered continued into an adult. The story flows with their emotion and mental image as the center and some time author express it by illusion. Also, they both have a symbol of trauma like a rat or a blanket. But the different thing is the boy of “The blanket” get many friends who can help him at the end. In another aspect, the author of “Tale of One Bad Rat” depict facial express greatly. I can feel a stream of her emotion only by face illustration. In the second, actually, it was quite abstract to me so I can’t sure what I understood is correct. The main story is having a study of Lewis Carroll and Sunderland. There are a bunch of imagination like fantasy history, myth... His illustration style was unique because each part is a little bit different. Sometimes he using rough style by pencil or using ink or synthesize with pictures. It was interesting and feel kinds of new style to me.
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