Lit. of Comics, Week 2/ Understanding comics

 Sometimes I'm drawing a piece of a short comics for just fun with my friends. This is like a little game. We set the subject and make a list of turn randomly and then just drawing it. There is no guideline of a story or any rules about directing, so at first, it was not easy because we did not have any information about making comics. I’m in busy now so I don’t do it recently but still, I want to know more about comic’s rule.

 “Understanding Comics” describe about how comics do directing for control their story and how people accept about comics’ stream and art style. After read this book I though maybe this is what I was hope. One thing I really impressed was if you more make character simple, the more people empathize with the story. We see ourselves in everything even if a car or puzzles, because human are a self- centered race. For example, as woman, if I see some character looks like Steve Jobs, I must think it is not me. But if the character looks like just a simple circle, I don’t know who it is and it become more easy to accept as my point of view. By this theory, people attract or empathize more from simple design than detailed design. People make their own opinion about the character and story out of awareness. It is almost same on film and I think this is why art students have to learn rules of directing. “Understanding Comics” was very helpful to me, not only about comics, it was really good with arranging directing knowledge. If I can do the making comics game again, I want to recommend this book for friends.


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